Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Help

Just got home from work, been thinking about The Help. I read this book last week. As a general rule prefer to read a book before a see a movie made about it. I figure if they made a movie must be a good book. Several co-workers had read this book and recommended it as well. This book was interestingly to say the least. Growing up in the South I am aware of the controversial civil rights movement of my grandparent's age. It is never spoken of by them, but I know they lived through it. Most people are afraid to say it, but sour feelings still are in the South. My school was primarily white. When we voted a non-white person our Homecoming king, it was the first time in history. (I graduated in 2006.) We talk to to them at school even may hang out afterwards, but we never discuss family issues or anything possible controversial. That stuff is only talked about behind closed doors. This book felt like a peek behind the curtain for life in the Ole South. It was scandalous to think this could of happened in Mississippi. I also felt it was very true to heart as our mothers still push us to marry young and have those babies quick. I could never imagine going to parts of towns in the South and asking these kind of personal questions Skeeter did. Although I would not be arrested it seems not something a proper Southern lady would do. Our reputation is second to none, once you have soiled that, you may as have lepersy for all the public concerned.  In the end a good book with a message of equality, I thank God for growing up in a time that is becoming modern, but we still hold true to certain values, that is what encourages my love of life in the South. Skeeter may have been a rogue one , but she fostered change in a peaceful manner and in the South that something to be proud of.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Boys Next Door by Jennifer Echols

Last Friday night, I picked this book up at Barnes and Nobles. I read during the week a work. It has been a little slow read most at work, but this afternoon could not make myself leave it there to finish tomorrow. It is based at a lake in Alabama.  I don't know which one, but it is obviously in the southern part of the state (where I am so props for that). This is the story of Lori, who is discovering herself a she comes of age. Lori lives next to the Vader boys and, as all Good Southern Girls know, she is warned to watch out for the boys next door. She believes she is in love with middle brother, but chaos ensues as it appears he has eyes out for little brother's girl. Little brother and Lori hatch a plan for her to get her man and him to get his girl back. What ensues is two weeks of faux dating, which to everyone, but Lori, is so much more. All in all a book chock full of romance without being overly girly. Recommend for that young lady that can throw on heels and charm the parents, but can watch the game on Saturday (Roll Tide) a not interrupt with questions like "What's first in ten mean?". A great summer read I declare.  Reading the sequel now so more to come soon.
"If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all." Oscar Wilde


Welcome to "For the Loves of Books". I am an avid reader. I will laugh, cry, and fall in love over the pages of a novel. I like most all kinds a books, whether be horror, suspense, fantasy, or even at times historical. My books are chosen on how I feel at the moment, recommendations from friends, or occasionally a rare find at Barnes and Nobles that someone put on the wrong shelf. I been known to read such titles as W. C. Privy's original Bathroom Companion one day, then Pride and Prejudice the next. I often read more than one book at a time. (It completely baffles my husband how I can keep up with so many story lines.) Each post I will review what I am currently reading or have read and am currently reflecting back on. I welcome suggestions on what to read next. Hopefully you will join the journey of words with me. People in books have been someone the best friends I have ever had. 
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." Dr. Suess